Sucvary Cloud Wheel Aligner | Innovation leads to value




4. Why are those Images on the screen too bright or too dark?

* : 2015-08-17 14:10:20 * : 522
1)     for 3D products:
Open disk D looking for Debug folder, and then find config and product value.
bao1=100 (this is for left camera, the brightness of two left targets can be adjusted by adding or subtracting number.)
bao2=100 (this is for right camera, the brightness of two right targets can be adjusted by adding or subtracting number.)
bao3=100 (this is for middle camera, the brightness of middle target can be adjusted by adding or subtracting number.)
2)     for 5D products:
Open Limitless Remote software by Android terminal and connect it to host 11111111), and then open disk D finding Debug folder, and then find config and product value.
bao1=100 (this is for left front camera, the brightness of left front target can be adjusted by adding or subtracting number.)
bao2=100 (this is for right front camera, the brightness of right front target can be adjusted by adding or subtracting number.)
bao3=100 (this is for left rear camera, the brightness of left rear target can be adjusted by adding or subtracting number.)
bao4=100 (this is for right rear camera, the brightness of right rear target can be adjusted by adding or subtracting number.)
bao5=100 (this is for middle camera, the brightness of middle target can be adjusted by adding or subtracting number.)
Remarks: generally speaking, the number can be added or subtracted within the range of 20. Add to make it brighter and subtract darker. And be careful to change just the number.